Naomi’s niece Saskia loving her time behind the controls in her first ever excavator Xperience!
What to Expect
Wondering what to expect when you show up for your first Bobcat Babe Xperience? Wonder no more. Let’s take some of your potential anxiety out of the equation and let you know exactly what to expect!
Please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time slot. And also please read the waiver form and usage form (on the BOOKING page) before your timeslot so we aren’t wasting your precious machine time on reading forms.
Parking is down by the cottage. We have a dug out parking area (built by your very own Bobcat Babe!). There is a washroom available inside the cottage if needed. Go in the yellow door and it is down the hall to your right.
Come up to what we call the Red Barn to sign the waiver and usage form.
After those are signed we will walk out to the machine.
We will walk around the machine and name all the parts…..boom, arm, blade, house, bucket, thumb and tracks.
Then you will get in using 3 points of contact: two handholds and stepping up on the track. You will find the seatbelt and we will go over what all the sticks do as well as the ignition knob and how to start it, and the idle knob.
THEN, we start the machine and you are good to begin.
First you will learn how to travel in the machine.
Then you will travel to a designated area where you will dig a hole.
After you have mastered that you will fill the hole in.
Then we will play with the bucket and the thumb, learn how to pick things up.
And that is pretty much the hour.
If you want photos and video of yourself on the machine I am happy to take some for you.
We also have a walkie talkie in the machine. I want to give you time to learn and play on your own as well and not be a helicopter mom and hover over you too much. You can let me know how much instruction you need. And rest assured there will be no mansplaining!